Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life Content

As Angel looks out
Pout on lip,
Lustre Crème Shampoo drips down on
Deck of ship

She ponders the day,
Pray daughter,
Comfort from the cistern pours out,
Cool water

Below in cabin
Chin held high,
Applies face cream from her blue jar,
Peaceful sigh

In time with the sea
Teapot sways,
Their coffee perking on the stove,
Joyful days

Coming on the breeze
Teasing scent
Of man at rusted tiller wheel,
Life content.

I used the poetic form, "The Memyric", which was invented by Lancelot of Pleiades. See Lancelot's Memyric, the roll. The syllables are 5, 3, 8, 3, with the last word of 5 rhyming with the first of 3 and the two 3's rhyming.
I also used Friday 5 words.


lissa said...

I like the beginning, it sets off the rest of the poem

haven't try the form yet but sounds interesting,

poefusion said...

Impressive use of both prompts. I love how you created a picture of being out at sea and all that atmosphere. Well done. Have a nice night.

S.L. Corsua said...

An atmospheric poem indeed. I could almost catch the salty tang of the air, the texture of the wood of the ship. So much contentment is palpable here. Thank you for sharing. Cheers. Have a blessed new year ahead.

floreta said...

this is definitely rhythmic. i like it!