As she wanders through her fragrant garden
A perky squirrel skitters up a nearby tree.
Blooming flowers of red, blue, yellow, and orange
Raise their heads towards the brightly shining sun.
A visual picture of her life slowly fills her thoughts,
Just like a facsimile slowly printing a page.
A beautiful life which paralleled this spring garden,
Vibrant colors of love, hope, joy, and peace.
A comfy wicker lounge welcomes and invites
She stretches out, the sun warming her breast.
Kitty, soft and loving, finds a place on the seat,
Purring softly with every stroke of her hand.
When this comfortable, your mind takes flight,
Painting pictures of the chronicles of your life.
She relished in this time, remembering the past
Taking joy in the hope of the future.
Robins and Bluebirds were scattered about
Pecking for worms and seeds, singing gaily.
Overhead a seagull swoops and squawks,
Looking for its midday meal in the creek.
The wonder of it all floods her soul,
Leaving her in awe of the beauty around.
She knew this spring beauty was created
By the same whom held her life intact.
Written for Friday 5.
Hello Angel~ It's good to see you've been writing still. I love your poem as it makes me long for Spring to arrive with those longer, warmer days. Well done. Have a nice night.
A very inviting and cozy picture you paint, Angel. Like spring, you've been teasing us with your absence!
Hey! I recognize that squirrel! :-) A beautiful use of the Friday Five. I love the imagery brought forth by these two lines:
A visual picture of her life slowly fills her thoughts,
Just like a facsimile slowly printing a page.
Very nice, good job! :-*
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