The sailboats begin on the beach with only a whisper of a breeze. A big push gives them that extra burst needed to clear the rocks. As the lead boat, a dark blue sailfish, starts to scoot across the water into the open, the wind catches her colorful sail and gives her extra momentum. The remaining sailboats begin to glide into the wind line and the race becomes a dash to the round yellow marker.
The lead boat tacks back and forth, hoping to evade the group of sailboats pursuing her. A sunfish with blue and white sails begins to peck away at the distance between her and the lead boat. She uses a different tactic, taking longer tacks, gaining ground with each one. With the wind pushing them on, the marker, which once looked like a lone freckle on a bare back, is now only a few boat lengths away.
One by one, the boats round the marker, then begin the straight shot back to the beach. The dark blue sailfish has managed to keep her lead but this final stretch will be challenging. The wind, which has now gained strength, is at their stern quickening the pace. Spectators line the beach cheering on the competitors. The small boats scoot onto the beach one by one, the sailors glowing with excitement. All are winners today!
This was written for Friday 5 at Poefusion. Friday 5 words are in bold.
Your story makes one long for summer. I'm certain that everyone was a winner on this day. I think that sailing would be such fun but, I don't think I could hold one up long enough to let the wind take me where it would.
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to comment. My whole family has been fighting off the flu. We're still trying to get over it. Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a nice day.
Fortunately I have two freckles on my back; they are not lonely.
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